ECCELLENZA DONNA 2023 | Women’s Excellence 2023 |

Ieri sera 14 Febbraio 2023 alle ore 17:00 presso il Museo Archeologico di Nola, la città di Giordano Bruno, Skål Napoli ha partecipato alla cerimonia di grande valenza per il territorio campano.

Evento organizzato dal Club Lions International Distretto 108 Ya.

Skål Napoli invitata a sostenere l’iniziativa;

Sono state premiate due Donne straordinarie:

Presenti in rappresentanza di Skål Napoli la Presidente Anna Maria De Lucia e la Skållega Nelly Russo

Women’s Excellence 2023

Last night, February 14th, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Archaeological Museum of Nola, the city of Giordano Bruno, Skål Napoli participated in a highly significant ceremony for the Campania region.

The event was organized by the Lions International Club District 108 Ya, and Skål Napoli was invited to support the initiative.

Two extraordinary women were awarded:

Maria Rosaria Capobianchi, a virology researcher who in 2020 isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus for the first time at the Spallanzani Institute in Rome

Maria Masi, the President of the National Forensic Council. She was the first woman to hold this position 100 years after the establishment of the CNF.

Skål Napoli was represented by President Anna Maria De Lucia and Skållega Nelly Russo.